bet36365体育's Greg Benson and Ngan Chau, the Perfect Blend of Reality and Research, Are Making a Difference in the Field of Supply Chain Management

Posted: October 25, 2022 12:00:00 AM CDT

Imagine getting to experience your future profession before interviewing for your first job. Thanks to the creative minds of bet36365体育’s dynamic duo, Dr. Greg Benson and Dr. Ngan Chau, 供应链管理(SCM)课程的学生毕业时将获得的不仅仅是一个学位. With the combined knowledge these two professors share, 学生将了解研究与实际经验之间的微妙平衡,以及如何将这种平衡应用于供应链管理领域的现实工作.Dr. Benson & Dr.Chau in front of SCM Center

Benson, 当他第一次成为bet36365体育的教员时,他带来了近三十年在私营部门的工作经验, and Chau, 她的多个学位使她对市场营销和供应链管理有了广泛的了解, have turned SCM classrooms into more than just a place to learn from lectures. 这两位教授真正互补的关系,已经发展成为一个创新的合作,为他们的学生和供应链管理行业. At their first meeting, Chau惊讶地发现,“和Greg的谈话完全打开了她的思想”,因为他能够分享她在获得学位时所学到的人性的一面. With Benson’s background working for a Fortune 100 company, 他能够向她解释,他是如何因为那些刚从大学毕业的新员工缺乏知识而感到沮丧. 这些知识帮助她向学生们传达了这样一种信息:并非所有的答案都能在教科书中找到. Likewise, Chau能够将具体问题转化为可衡量的问题,并能得到解决,这让她的同事大开眼界. 没过多久,他们俩就意识到他们可以从对方身上学到很多东西. In addition to conducting research and publishing academic articles together, 他们创建了课程和活动,鼓励学生成功地满足不断发展的供应链管理领域的需求.

bet36365体育的SCM计划,在全国第一个,独特的准备学生的工作场所. 无论学生是乘坐巴士在内布拉斯加州旅游公司旅行,还是参加暑期实习, Benson and Chau go the extra mile for them. As Benson admits, 他“有点像他的父亲”,同时帮助他的学生毕业,他知道他们需要的技能. 他确保这些实习机会是在那些能让肯塔基大学的学生接触到至少两到三个供应链管理领域的公司, ensuring they enter their fall semester prepared to finish their college career. Suddenly what is being taught in the classroom makes complete sense to them because, thanks to the ideas of their professors, they have had the chance to work side-by-side with their future colleagues.

对这些学生的好处超出了课堂和通过实地考察和实习提供给他们的机会. Through the creation of the SCM Business Center, 这是Benson在2017年获得中美商学院院长协会颁发的商业和教育创新奖的前沿理念, students are paid to work in their future field before they earn a college degree. After completing a summer internship, students return to campus and continue working with their host company. The SCM Business Center, with four workstations equipped with computers, phones, and printers, gives students a location to complete this work. The university even pays their salary. These billable hours, 8,000 to date, are then paid back by the various companies these bet36365体育 students work for. This idea of virtual work, 这在疫情前SCM商务中心首次开放时并不常见, 是Benson想到的一个创新的解决方案吗?因为一些公司找到他,要求学生在实习结束后继续为他们工作.

案例研究是Benson和Chau为学生在供应链管理领域的未来做好准备的另一种方式. 这六个步骤的学术努力从找出将雇用未来bet36365体育毕业生的公司的需求开始. 在提出和实施解决方案之前,本森首先为学生们开发案例进行讨论. 通过与现实生活场景广泛合作的机会,并与行业领域的评委合作, these students put into practice what they are learning in the classroom.

除了接触各种各样的公司谁参加unk主办的招聘会, students have the opportunity to be part of the SCM Leadership Team. 这是一个他们可以讨论活动的地方,主要目标之一是学生招募其他学生. Since female students are specifically in high demand from companies, Benson has worked for the past four years to create Women in SCM. 导师是一个成功的行业领导者,而学生愿意接受指导,这是一个旨在通过有意义的讨论来鼓励女性进入供应链管理领域的项目.

Another program of importance is Champions of SCM Excellence. 它为公司提供了机会,为有可能成为他们员工的学生提供支持. These companies, of which there were ten this past year, donate $4,000 each to the SCM program at bet36365体育. 这笔钱的一半用于奖学金,其余的用于实地考察或招聘奖学金等活动. 这种类型的财政支持是至关重要的bet36365体育的SCM程序,这有助于管理人才管道内布拉斯加州中部.supply chain management champions.jpg

当本森告诉即将入学的新生,毕业后会有很多工作机会时,他不是在开玩笑. In fact, the placement rate has been 100% since the first graduate of bet36365体育’s SCM program. Not only do these students have professors who coach and advise them, but they benefit from the collaboration with the industry they will one day be a part of it. The importance of this connection with industry cannot be understated. According to Benson, “If it wasn’t for the industry participation, I think we’d be just another program.“bet36365体育的学生可以放心,他们正在接受供应链管理领域绝对最好的教育. Chau, a recent MIT graduate, 亲眼看到bet36365体育的本科课程与MIT的bet36365体育投注课程非常相似,我很兴奋. She states that she “was so very proud of our program” while completing her studies at MIT.

Benson在2014年接管bet36365体育 SCM项目的方向时开始的工作今天继续着他与Chau的合作. Their work, whether it’s research, academic writing, or work with students, 已经并将继续对内布拉斯加州及其他地区的劳动力产生积极影响.

By: Sandy Brannan

Category: Business and Technology, Marketing, General

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